4 Things to do Before a Home Appraisal

4 Things to do Before a Home Appraisal

Even after you’ve found a buyer and accepted an offer, there’s always one more barrier to overcome: the home appraisal. The appraisal is an assessment of your home’s market value, performed by a certified, licenced specialist. And it is this value that determines if your pricing is reasonable – in other words, whether you obtain the price you want. If the appraisal is too low, the buyer will most likely be unable to obtain sufficient financing to purchase your house at the asking price. As a result, you must do all possible to ensure that your house appraises at the best potential price. Then keep reading to learn about the four things you should do before getting a Sacramento home appraised.

1. Deep Clean and Make Quick Fixes

Preparing for your Sacramento house evaluation begins with the tiny, basic things, as it does with anything else. Deep cleaning and rapid fixes should be your primary priorities.

“You’re probably sick of keeping your Roseville house so immaculate by the time the home assessment comes around, but give it one last deep clean and it should pay dividends. When a home is clean, it appears to have greater value, so get your scrub brush out and start to work. Pay special attention to any locations that aren’t on your regular cleaning schedule.”

 But don’t stop there, you should make all the small necessary fixes you’ve been putting off. “Any evidence – big or small – that a property hasn’t been adequately maintained are certain to affect an assessor when appraising your home. Repairing defective cabinets, touching up paint, and finally taking care of that always running toilet can demonstrate that you’ve invested time and effort into your home’s condition. It’s worth paying a few hundred bucks up front to remedy problems that are easily fixed. Failure to do so could result in you losing a lot more money on your appraisal.”

4 Things to do Before a Home Appraisal in Philadelphia

2. Make Sure Everything Is Working Properly

In the same vein, before your Folsom home appraisal, make sure everything is in functioning order. “If a house inspector finds a broken fixture, the buyer may request that it be repaired. If a home appraiser notices a faulty fixture, the residence may be undervalued.”

The appraiser will pay special attention to the primary home systems, so make sure to inspect all systems and mechanics and make any repairs necessary as part of your inquiry. You must ensure that all of the following are in working order:

  • HVAC system
  • Home security system
  • Windows and doors
  • Plumbing and fixtures
  • Electrical system, appliances, and fixtures

And, then, if you detect any problems make or schedule repairs well before the appraisal.

3. Work on Curb Appeal

When preparing for a Sacramento house appraisal, don’t make the mistake of focusing primarily on the interior of your property. Take care of the outside as much as possible to increase curb appeal. The simple fact is that curb appeal can boost the value of your home, so make sure to…

  • Mow and edge
  • Trim bushes, shrubs, and trees
  • Pick up all debris
  • Lay down new mulch in beds
  • Plant flowers
  • Strategically place patio accents and potted plants
  • Touch up paint
  • Power wash siding, sidewalks, and driveway
  • Clean out gutters and downspouts
  • Paint the front door 

You don’t have to go all out and spend a bunch of money on professional landscaping. Just doing these smaller, relatively inexpensive things can help improve the appraisal value. It just takes a critical eye and some elbow grease.

4. Document Your Home Improvements and Upgrades

If you want your Sacramento house appraisal to go as smoothly as possible, make a list of all the improvements and upgrades you’ve made and show them to the appraiser.

“Upgrades and renovations raise your home’s total worth. Compile a dossier with verification of all the work you’ve done on the house since you moved in to make things easier for the appraiser. Did you install a central air conditioning system? Is it time to replace the windows? Would you like to add a privacy fence to your backyard? Include sales receipts, paid contractor invoices, and, if necessary, zoning permits. When your appraiser considers your upgrades, this will help them know where to look.”

Sure, your appraiser will see and note improvements and upgrades on her own. But providing a list with supporting documentation will likely incline the appraiser, at a subconscious level, to value your home higher.

And Consult Your Sacramento Agent

Your Sacramento agent may not be a licenced appraiser, but she has been through the procedure many times (perhaps hundreds). And that means your agent has a good sense of what an appraiser is looking for, which will help your home appraise for a higher price. So, if you’re facing a Sacramento home evaluation, call us at (916) 507-2502 right now.

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